Ensure Your Children Get Appropriate Child Support
A divorce can be even more difficult when children are involved. No matter what happens, you will want to ensure that they are protected. Jeff Greenblatt is a child support lawyer in Montgomery County who helps to divorce spouses obtain an appropriate amount of support payments, either through agreement or through the courts.
If you are going through a divorce and are concerned about support payments to help care for your children, seek experienced legal representation. Reach out to Jeff Greenblatt online or call 240-406-7311 to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation.
Determining The Amount Of Child Support
Child support payments are determined in part by child support guidelines created by the state of Maryland. This is a mathematical equation designed to take some of the surprise out of the amount of support that is likely to be awarded. There are a number of child support calculators online. However, these do not take into account specific aspects of your situation, e.g. hidden income, income in excess of the guideline ceiling, whether reimbursements for expenses are to be included as additional income, extraordinary expenses, etc.
It is important to have a skilled Rockville divorce attorney review your situation to ensure that any support award is fair and is designed to adequately address your child’s needs. Jeffrey N. Greenblatt of Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, PA, can help ensure that your rights, and the rights of your children, are well-protected.
Modifying Support Agreements
Life is in a constant state of change. When your circumstances or those of your children change, or your ex-spouse experiences a significant change, it may be necessary to revisit the support agreement. Attorney Jeff Greenblatt can review your agreement and seek a modification that is fair if financial circumstances have changed since the time of the divorce.
Call For A Consultation With A Child Support Modification Lawyer
Setting up or modifying support agreements should be done with the help of skilled legal counsel. Contact Jeff Greenblatt online or call his Rockville office at 240-406-7311 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your options.