As a business owner, you may be worried about how your personal life is going to affect your business. For example, if you are contemplating marriage, you may be concerned about a potential financial impact if you and your spouse were to eventually divorce – something...
Aggressive Representation When The Stakes Are High
Prenuptial Agreements
Is a prenup a sign of mistrust between partners?
You and your partner have been planning the perfect wedding day for years. It’s all falling into shape. You have a venue, caterers, guest invites, attire and all the other essentials in place. Is this the end of the planning stage? Many couples plan up to the day of...
3 times prenuptial agreements won’t hold up in court
People negotiate and sign prenuptial agreements because they want to protect themselves and avoid a potentially messy divorce. Unfortunately, sometimes prenuptial agreements can make divorce proceedings more litigious than they would otherwise be. If one spouse wants...
Can you put spousal support or alimony in a prenup?
You’re getting married for the second time. Your partner doesn’t work, but you have a lucrative career as a business owner. The first time that you got divorced, you lost far more than you thought. Not only did you have to divide assets, but you had to pay spousal...
Why professionals should consider a prenuptial agreement
Prenuptial agreements are growing in popularity, and that’s a good thing. In the past, these contracts had a bad reputation as tools for rich men to disenfranchise their younger, less-monied wives. But thankfully, more couples are seeing the value of prenuptial...
Expensive Weddings May Lead To Divorce, Study Shows
People in Maryland may have seen a recent news articles about the correlation between the cost of a wedding and the likelihood of divorce. Everyone knows how expensive it can be to prepare for hundreds of friends and family and make everything just perfect for the big...
Separation Agreements Can Alleviate Big Headaches
People in Maryland may have noticed that more and more couples are entering into prenuptial agreements prior to tying the knot. While in previous generations such a contract might have been considered unseemly or unusual, couples today know have learned their lesson...
Prenuptial Agreements For Social Media Sharing Catching On
Maryland residents may have seen a recent news article about the newest legal remedy to address the problem of social media embarrassment. This issue is apparently becoming large enough that many attorneys across the nation are seeing requests to draw up prenuptial...
Social Contagion Theory May Explain Increase in Divorce
People in Maryland may have heard about an interesting study that followed residents in another state to determine how certain social factors impacted the state of their marriages. Fascinatingly, simply knowing somebody who got a divorce increased the chances that a...
Post-Marriage Changes Can Call For Postnuptial Agreements
Many Maryland residents have heard of prenuptial agreements, which are contracts between the two parties in a couple before they are married. A valid prenuptial agreement can cover a lot of issues in advance, protecting the assets of each spouse and saving a lot of...