On the whole, divorce rates have declined in recent years. However, this is not the case for couples over 50.
Gray divorce rates continue to increase steadily. Why is this happening?
Shifting attitudes
In the 1900s, divorce was a taboo subject. Those who pursued a divorce were vehemently judged and stereotyped as failures. Modern attitudes toward divorce have changed drastically. People are prioritizing personal happiness, and the determinants of staying in an unhappy marriage are well-known. People aged 50 and over now realize that there is plenty of time to make a fresh start.
Financial independence
Traditional family roles have also changed. In previous generations, women may have relied on their husbands to support them financially while they looked after the children at home. Now, many women are financially secure and comfortable living alone. Staying in an unhappy marriage is no longer a necessity for financial independence.
Empty nest syndrome
Raising children requires a lot of time and effort. Parents often have no time to prioritize their own well-being, at least until the kids grow up. Once the children have grown up, couples do have more time to focus on themselves, and this isn’t always positive. A couple may realize that they have grown apart and only stayed together for the kids. The “empty nest” syndrome is currently one of the leading causes of gray divorce.
Divorce can bring a fresh start for people of all ages. However, it is a major decision that shouldn’t be rushed. Before making any firm moves, it’s important to have as much legal information as possible.